pro rata adj.,adv.按比例的[地]。
adj.,adv. 按比例的[地]。 “pro“ 中文翻譯: PRO = public relations offic ...“a ortioned pro rata“ 中文翻譯: 按比例分攤“adjusted pro rata“ 中文翻譯: 按比例調整計算“apportioned pro rata“ 中文翻譯: 按比例分攤“pro rata average“ 中文翻譯: 按比例均攤; 按比例平均; 按照比例均攤“pro rata cancellation“ 中文翻譯: 按比例抵銷; 按照比例注銷“pro rata deduction“ 中文翻譯: 按比例遞減“pro rata discount“ 中文翻譯: 按比例折扣“pro rata distribution“ 中文翻譯: 按比例分攤; 按照比例分配或分攤; 比例分攤“pro rata freight“ 中文翻譯: 按比例運費; 比例運費“pro rata gratuity“ 中文翻譯: 按比例領取酬金“pro rata in proportion“ 中文翻譯: 按比例(計算)“pro rata liability“ 中文翻譯: 按比例計算的責任“pro rata liability clause“ 中文翻譯: 按比例分攤責任的條款“pro rata premium“ 中文翻譯: 按日計算的保險費“pro rata rebate“ 中文翻譯: 按比例回扣“pro rata sinking fund“ 中文翻譯: 按比例的償債基金“proportion; pro rata“ 中文翻譯: 比例“pdpr per day pro rata“ 中文翻譯: 每天按比例“rata“ 中文翻譯: 放免法測甲狀腺抗體; 拉策; 拉塔“pro“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. pros) 〔口語〕內行,專家;〔美國〕職業選手。 a golf pro 高爾夫球的職業選手。 n. (pl. pros) 投票贊成者;贊成方面的意見[理由];贊成的(投)票。 the pros and cons 贊成論與反對論;贊成與反對的理由;贊成者與反對者。 adv. 站在贊成方面;正面地 (opp. con)。 pro and con 贊成與反對。 pro bono publico 為了公益。 pro forma 形式上;【商業】估計的,假定的(pro forma account sales 估計賣出計算書。 pro forma invoice 估價單)。 pro hac vice 只此一回,只為這個場合。 pro memoria 提醒。 pro patria 為祖國。 pro rata 按比例的;成比例地。 pro renata 【法律】臨時地[的] (a meeting held pro renata 臨時舉行的會議)。 pro tanto 至此,到這個程度[范圍]。 pro tem. =pro tempore 當時(的);暫時(的);臨時(的) (the pro tem. secretary 臨時秘書)。 PRO = public relations officer 〔美軍〕對外聯絡官。 “pro-“ 中文翻譯: pro-1 1.代,副:pronoun, proconsul. 2.親,贊成,偏袒: pro-American. 3.出,向前,在前:produce, propel, profane. 4.按,照:proportion. 5.公開: proclaim. pro-2 前綴 表示“〔位置、時間〕前,先”: prognathous, prologue. “laban rata“ 中文翻譯: 拉班拉打“olfactiocolo rata“ 中文翻譯: 聞香辨色“rata of discount“ 中文翻譯: 貼現率
pro- |
9 the monthly amount to be paid for the work shall equal the percentage of work incorporated into the project since the last billing period , certified by the owner , times the sum of the cost of work and the general conditions costs ( calculated in the manner specified in the written authorization ) for the billing period , plus a pro rata portion of the fee ( calculated in the manner specified in the written authorization ) , minus five percent ( 5 % ) from the cost of work , general conditions costs and fee for retention and one hundred percent ( 100 % ) of previous payments 每月的工程款應相當于自上個計費期間之后所完工的工程占項目的百分比(經業主確認) ,乘以本次計費期間工程造價和一般條件造價之和(按書面授權書上所列方式計算) ,加上費用的一定比例(按書面授權書上所列方式計算) ,再從工程造價、一般條件造價和費用中減去百分之五( 5 % )作為滯留金以及先前支付款項的百分之百( 100 % ) 。 |
The local part of value - added tax and income tax after deducting the cost will be rewarded pro rata to automobile and engineering machinery supporting enterprises for 3 consecutive years since its start of operation . 10 - 30 % of that for those which have rent workshop in supporting parks in the zone with an operational period of more than five years as well as 20 % of that for those newly - established enterprises with the fixed assets investment of rmb 1 . 5 million yuan per mu or the output value of more than rmb 2 . 5 million yuan per mu 企業交納的增值稅、所得稅的地方留成部分,在扣除征收成本后,對汽車及工程機械配套企業從投產年度起連續三年,分類別按比例獎勵企業;對在開發區配套園租賃廠房且經營期在五年(含)以上的企業,獎勵10 - 30 % ;對購地新建且固定資產投資達到每畝150萬元以上或每畝產出達250萬元以上的企業,獎勵20 % 。 |
Article 26 upon receiving the conscription plan by phase as referred in article 25 hereof , the local government shall prepare the conscription action plan pro rata depending on the number of the draftees under conscription and the phase distributed for each hsiang ( including town , city , or district ) within the jurisdiction , and decide on the list of the draftees to be enlisted and the reservists 第26條直轄市、縣(市)政府收受前條各梯次徵集計畫后,應按各鄉(鎮、市、區)應徵之役男人數比例及分配梯次,訂定徵集實施計畫,并決定應徵入營役男及其預備員名冊。 |
It is agreed and understood that in the event of loss or damage to the insured property described in the schedule of this policy , the amount payable for such loss or damage shall be automatically reinstated from the time of the happening and the insured shall pay an additional premium therefore calculated pro rata from the date of loss to the expiration of this policy 茲經雙方同意,本公司對受損的被保險財產予以賠償后,原保險金額自動恢復,但被保險人應按日比例補交從發生損失之日起至保險單終止之日止恢復保額部分的保險費。 |
The types of it include unlimited monetary fine , limited monetary fine , pro rata monetary fine or proportional monetary fine . the amount of money will be independently determined in conjunction with the mandatory applicable methods of monetary fine . specifically , the types include the systems of uniquely imposing fines ( for the institutional crimes only ) , selectively imposing fines , concurrently imposing fines , compound fines , and double punishments 它的種類有無限額罰金制、限額罰金制、倍比或比例罰金制,其數額的確定也不是獨立的,而是與罰金刑的法定適用方式相結合的,具體方式有單科罰金制(僅對單位犯罪適用) 、選科罰金制、并科罰金制、復合罰金制和雙罰制。 |
Because the designing fin and oar and the experiment fin and oar pro rata , so we can use the coefficients to calculate our designing fin and oar “ s rising force . secondly , constituted the control system of pushing fin , and studied its control scheme . lastly , used matlab to simulate our control system , and applied ga to optimize the parameters of pid controller ; from the simulation result we can see the pushing fin has the ability of reducing the ship shake in all speed 最后,對推力鰭減搖裝置控制系統用matlab語言進行仿真,并應用遺傳算法理論,對推力鰭控制系統中的pid控制器參數進行優化,并將仿真效果與傳統的鰭的減搖仿真效果進行對比,從仿真效果上可以看出,推力鰭減搖裝置控制系統的減搖效果在低航速下優于傳統的鰭的減搖效果,而且在中、高航速下推力鰭的減搖效果也能達到傳統鰭的減搖效果,打到了設計的目的。 |
Securities investment fund is a kind of financial system in which a special investment institution pools an uncertain number of investor ' s money and entrusted by the same investors , it manages and operates the money in the securities market , and distributes the returns to the investors according to their pro rata share 證券投資基金是將眾多不確定的投資者的資金匯集起來,委托專業的金融投資機構進行管理和操作,所得收益按出資比例由投資者分享的一種金融制度。 |
The monthly amount to be paid for the work shall equal the percentage of work incorporated into the project since the last billing period , certified by the owner , times the sum of the cost of work and the general conditions costs ( calculated in the manner specified in the written authorization ) for the billing period , plus a pro rata portion of the fee ( calculated in the manner specified in the written authorization ) , minus five percent ( 5 % ) from the cost of work , general conditions costs and fee for retention and one hundred percent ( 100 % ) of previous payments 每月為工程支付的數額應相當于自經業主確認的上次的收費期間收納入項目的工程的百分比,乘以本次收費期間工程造價和一般條件造價(按書面授權書上所列的方式計算)的數額,加上費用的一定比例(按書面授權書上所列的方式計算) ,再從工程造價、一般條件造價和費用減去百分之五( 5 % )作為滯留金以及先錢付款的百分之百( 100 % ) 。 |
If the employment contract is terminated for whatever reason , including the helper s resignation but excluding summary dismissal by the employer in accordance with clause 11 , after 3 months or more but less than 12 months , heshe should be paid a pro rata sum in lieu of annual leave 如傭工受雇已滿三個月但不足十二個月,則不論雇傭合約是以何種理由終止(包括傭工辭職,但不包括因犯過失而遭雇主根據第11條即時解雇) ,他她可獲發按比例計算的工資代替年假。 |
If the employment contract is terminated for whatever reason , including the helper s resignation but excluding summary dismissal by the employer in accordance with clause 11 , after 3 months or more but less than 12 months , he she should be paid a pro rata sum in lieu of annual leave 如傭工受雇已滿三個月但不足十二個月,則不論雇傭合約是以何種理由終止(包括傭工辭職,但不包括因犯過失而遭雇主根據第11條即時解雇) ,他/她可獲發按比例計算的工資代替年假。 |
Notes remaining will be allocated to each application on a pro rata basis to the remaining quantity of notes applied for by each application , rounded down to the nearest whole note and in the case of notes remaining after rounding , by ballot 馀下的債券將會根據每份申請所申請債券的馀下未獲配發數量,按比例配發予每份申請若不足一份債券,將向下調整至整數。若向下調整至整數后仍有剩馀債券,則會以抽簽方式配發。 |
Should the vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at a port of refuge or of call , she shall , provided previous notice be given to the underwriters , be held covered at a pro rata monthly premium to her port of destination 如果在本保險期屆滿時,保險船舶在海上或在遇難中,或在避難港或中途港,若事先通知保險人,并按月比例支付超期保險費,船舶將被繼續承保直至抵達目的港為止。 |
In case the contract of insurance is terminated by the insurer prior to its expiry pursuant to law or to the agreement of the contract of insurance , the premium to be calculated pro rata daily for the unexpired period shall be refunded to the insured 如果按法律或者保險合同的協議,保險方提前終止保險合同時,則應將按日計算的未到期的保險費,退還投保方。 |
If you add to or upgrade your subscription , cleverlearn will provide you a pro rata credit based on the total number of days that lapsed from your old cut - off date to the date the change or addition of your new subscription is effective 如果你增加或是更新定購內容。 cleverlearn會根據你的新的訂購周期和舊的周期之間的相差天數為你提供相應的費用信用。 |
Unless otherwise specified in the contract , in the event that the sum insured is less than the insured value , the insurer shall undertake the obligation for indemnity pro rata of the sum insured to the insured value 保險金額低于保險價值的,除合同另有約定外,保險人按照保險金額與保險價值的比例承擔賠償責任。 |
Should the borrowing not be able to abtained in the way refered to above , the board shall separately request funds from each party hereto pro rata its capital contribution to the joint venture 如果不能按上述方式獲得借款,董事會將按合同各方各自在合資公司中的資本比例向合同各方另外征集資金。 |
The remaining notes will be allocated to applicants pro rata rounded down to the nearest whole note . notes remaining after rounding will be allocated by ballot 馀下的債券如有會根據每位申請人所申請的債券的馀下未獲配發數量,按比例配發予每位申請人,倘不足一份債券,則向下調整至整數。 |
Any commission paid to you will not be refundable pro rata , notwithstanding the fact that the shipping guarantee may have been returned to you at a date before the expiry of the six month period 縱該保證書已在六個月期間屆滿前返還貴行,貴行不須將已收到之當期保證費一比例退還本公司。 |
If two policies do cover the same event , the insurance companies contribute pro rata to the loss , and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position 如果兩份保險單承保同一事件,兩家保險公司將按比例分攤損失賠償只恢復投保人損失的部分。 |